Available around Melun and Paris 

+33 1 85 76 46 20

Identify your company's IT vulnerabilities to protect your critical assets

Protect your business from cyber attacks

Our team ofcybersecurity experts offers a range of audits for your company to ensure the security of your information systems.

With our services, you can identify and correct vulnerabilities in your organization, protecting your sensitive data from cyber threats.

Contact us today to schedule a detailed audit.

Protect your business: carry out a cybersecurity audit

VADEMI, your cybersecurity expert based in the Paris region and throughout France, offers comprehensive audits to guarantee your company's security in the face of cyber threats.

We carry out different types of audits, adapted to your structure and your needs:

server infrastructures

Configuration audit

The configuration audit verifies that your systems are correctly configured to prevent intrusion.

Our experts analyze the parameters of your server, network, telecom, security and application infrastructures to detect and correct parameter errors and potential vulnerabilities.

data protection

Recognition audit

The reconnaissance audit identifies an organization's attack surface

During the reconnaissance audit, we identify publicly accessible information about your company. 

This step is crucial to understanding which sensitive data can be exploited by cybercriminals.

data breach

Source code audit

Source code auditing involves examining the code of your applications to identify and correct vulnerabilities.

Our specialists analyze every line of code to ensure that no loophole can be exploited.

cybersecurity audit

Architecture audit

The architecture audit evaluates the overall design of your IT system.

We check that your server, network, telecom and application infrastructures are well positioned, robust, resistant and resilient in the face of potential internal and external attacks.

cyber attacks

ISMS audit

The Information Security Management System (ISMS) audit reviews the procedures and policies in place to manage information security.

We help you strengthen your practices in line with standards and regulations.

information security

Intrusion test audit

Penetration tests simulate real-life attacks on your systems to identify and correct security flaws.

We carry out several types of test to assess your infrastructure's resistance to various attacks.


Ensure your company's security now with VADEMI's cybersecurity audits.

The different penetration tests we perform for your IT security

To ensure effective defense against cyber attacks, VADEMI offers three types of penetration test:

Blackbox testing

This type of test simulates an external attack by a hacker.

Our cybersecurity experts try to access your systems without any prior knowledge.

In this way, we identify weak points that could be exploited by cybercriminals.


This test requires close collaboration with your IT team, especially your CIO.

Our specialists will have access to your entire system to pinpoint any faults and provide you with recommendations for correcting them.

Greybox testing

Greybox testing is a combination of blackbox and whitebox testing.

Our teams have partial knowledge of your system, simulating an internal attack by a malicious employee or a user with elevated privileges.

protecting your data

Intrusion testing objectives: protecting your data and identifying cyber risks

  • Assessing the security of your systems: penetration tests identify weaknesses in your IT infrastructure, highlighting security holes that could be exploited by attackers.
  • Protecting your data: by identifying vulnerable points in your system, penetration testing helps you protect your sensitive and confidential data from all kinds of threats.
  • Identifying cyber risks: penetration tests enable you to detect the cyber risks to which your company could be exposed, so that you can better target your prevention and protection actions.
  • Drawing up your short-, medium- and long-term action plan: once the security vulnerabilities have been identified, we provide you with recommendations for strengthening your system and implementing an effective short-, medium- and long-term action plan.
  • Raising your staff's awareness: penetration testing can also be used to raise your staff's awareness of IT security, helping them to better understand the importance of following good cybersecurity practices .

Thanks to VADEMI's penetration tests, you can effectively protect your company against cyber attacks.

Choose a company you can trust to support you in your GRC (Governance Risk Compliance) project

Take advantage of our support to achieve your cybersecurity objectives.

Learn more about our CyberAudits® service

The duration of a penetration test can vary according to the size and complexity of your system, and the type of test chosen. It can take from a few days to several weeks to complete a full audit.

A cyberaudit® involves several stages: risk analysis, vulnerability identification, recommendations for correcting vulnerabilities, and implementation of a short-, medium- and long-term action plan.

We recommend carrying out an audit at least once a year, or whenever you make significant changes to your information system: adding new applications, modifying your network infrastructure, after a merger or acquisition, etc.

Performing a security audit is a crucial step in protecting your information system or web application from potential vulnerabilities and cyber-attacks. Here's how I go about carrying out this essential task:

  1. Together, we define your target, your needs and the approach that best suits you(Blackbox, Greybox, Whitebox).
  2. We offer you a service contract including a security policy and a data protection policy (RGPD) and a testing mandate on the defined target for a specific duration and date, 
  3. We carry out penetration testing according to the methodologies recommended by OWASP. 
  4. We present you with the audit report detailing the vulnerabilities discovered and the solutions for correcting them. 
  5. Once the vulnerabilities have been corrected, we carry out a second penetration test or verification test to ensure that the vulnerabilities discovered have been corrected. 

The cost of CyberAudits depends on several factors:

  • Size of systems audited
  • The complexity of the systems audited,
  • Type of systems audited (black box, white box, grey box, configuration audit, architecture audit, recognition audit)
  • Audit duration
  • Audit depth and scope
  • We offer customized quotations after assessing your needs to provide an accurate estimate.